
Magnae Excel Brevis Mus Pad Mus metus cum stitched Marginibus Non-Slip Base Cantiones Mats ad Desk, 31.5×11.8

Originale pretium fuit: 15.52$.Pretium Current est: 13.06$.

SKU: Sa-3256804997375972 Category: Tag:


  • origin: continenti Sinis
【Durable Quality Design】The size of 800x300x3mm (31.5×11.8×0.12inches) mouse pad is very sufficient for a professional elite, this mouse pad due to the strong anti-slip at the bottom, the smoothness of the water-resist surface leather and the high quality natural rubber material, can also be used as a writing pad, desk blotters, table mats. 【Know Excel and Gain more】The excel shortcuts cheat sheet Mouse Pad can abovisly improve the user’s productivity efficiency. A special gift helping your friend, family and partner succeed in school and in their career. Scientific research shows that employees who have mastered Excel skills are generally paid more than 22%. 【Designed to Be More Professional】A mouse pad made of natural rubber and leather can effectively protect the user’s desk from scratches, stains, wear and destruction, while a Mat that can accommodate laptop, mouse and mechanical keyboard can better reflect the professionalism and efficiency of the office. Easily learn new Excel Shortcuts and always be able to quickly to look up commands without the need to “Google” it. 【No Stains, No Odor】Spray paint and mat made of natural rubber and leather and no-toxic ink ensure that the color hardly fades and no chemical smell. Edge is also packaged and stitched in a special way to ensure that curling and fraying will not occur in the edge area. Strong smooth surface provides you smooth and comfortable mouse traction movement. 【Easy to Clean】Daily drinks sprinkled on the Pad will stay on the spill-repellent surface without penetration and damage to the Pad, just take a rag and simply suck and wipe, easy to clean also ensure the service life of the mouse pad.

depictio producti

Changing Your Career May Only Require a Unique Mouse Pad

EXCEL may play an important role in your career.

Many senior office workers take advantage of their learning more Excel knowledge and skills to complete tasks more efficiently and quickly, and gain more opportunities for performance and promotion.

With our mouse pad, what might you get?

  • You will stand on the starting line of Career’s fast lane earlier

Excel is an early learning and early benefit skill

  • You’ll get things done and get things done faster

If you accumulate more Excel skills, your efficiency in work will enable you to complete your daily work as soon as possible and gain more personal time to improve or delight yourself.

  • Your work will be less prone to human error

We will be tired, but the machine will not. Our repeated input data may leak, but the machine will not.

Know Excel Skills then Gain Promotion & Leadership Opportunities

Strong Microsoft Excel skills can open the door to promotion and leadership opportunities

Check Shortcuts with Excel Mouse Pad

In 1s, You Just Use Shortcut Ctrl+T. You Finish The Work of Organizing and Beautifying Spreadsheet That Others Can not Finish in 1 Hours.

With our mouse pad, what might you get?

  • Your work can be easily adjusted and flexible

Whether based on a PivotTable report or a formula on a cell, you can quickly find data errors or highlights, with a clear target.

  • It will improve your career
  • Excel skills are highly sought after in business.

You’ll need Excel skills to get hired for internships and for full-time positions out of college. Many companies will even issue an Excel skills test during the hiring process to ensure a candidate is skilled enough to perform at the job they are hiring for.

Advanced Excel skills are often a major requirement for certain positions out there and create a high barrier to entry for those who aren’t great at using the program.

If you can use Excel effectively, you can qualify yourself for these positions you otherwise wouldn’t be qualified for.

The mouse pad is warm, not cold.

  • On your way to study and work hard, the central words of the mouse pad, “Seize the Day and Live Life to the Fullest”, always encourage our users to pursue a better quality of life.
  • Reminding users of the combination of work and rest at all times can also enable users to better balance their health and work. “Money cannot buy good health.”

Our mouse pad is spacious enough.


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continenti Sinis

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